The Company recognizes the importance of anti-corruption and intends to operate business with good morals and under good corporate governance framework as well as adhere to the Code of Business Ethics. Also, the Company takes responsible for the society, environment and all stakeholders by conducting transparent and fair business which can be auditable.
To make certain that the Company has policy specifying appropriate responsibility, guidelines and rules for its business operation to prevent all types of corruption in all of the Company’s activities and that the Company’s decision and business operation involving with the risk of corruption have been thoroughly considered and conducted, the Company has arranged for the written Anti-Corruption Policy to be clear guidelines for doing business and developing to sustainable organization.
Anti-Corruption Policy
- The company’s personnel must not claim, process or accept the corruption in all forms, directly or indirectly for the benefit of the organization myself, parent, fellow and acquaintance, or the benefit of the organization covers all businesses in all countries and agencies related to the company.
- The Company must regularly review the compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy as well as business guidelines and rules to ensure they are in line with changes in business, rules, regulations and laws. Any acts which support or involve in corruption will be punished as stipulated by the Company.
Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption Measure
To prevent potential corruption risks to the CRC Group. The directors, executives and employees shall comply with policies related to anti-corruption. Giving and receiving any other benefits to the company’s stakeholders, consider as specified requirements as follows:
- Giving and receiving is for the appropriate purposes in accordance with ethical standards.
- Giving and receiving is not intended to be exploited or to influence business decisions.
- Giving and receiving must be unlawful.
- Giving and receiving shall not contradict the CRC’s policies and regulations.
- Giving and receiving shall not contradict the policies of business partners, governments or stakeholders.
Related Anti-Corruption Policy
- Giving or Receiving Gifts, Hospitality, or Other Benefits
- Entertainment / Reception Policy
- Donation for Charity and Sponsorship Policy
- Political Participation Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
Anti-Corruption Measures
- Corruption Risk Assessment
- Policy-making Related to Anti-Corruption
- Reviewing the history of personnel and business stakeholders
- Internal Control
- Business Ethics against Anti-Corruption
- Disclosure measures for hiring government employees
Enforcement of anti-corruption policy
- The anti-corruption policy applies to the Company’s personnel, effective from the date the Board of Directors approve the anti-corruption policy.
- Adjustments, amendments, changes, interpretations, cancellations shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Data Recording and Retention Process
- The recording and retention of financial information and corporate accounting must be conducted in an accurate, complete, transparent and efficiently and reliably verifiable by internal control system and internal audit under the supervision of the Audit Committee.
- The guidelines for data recording and retention are to follow the Code of Conduct and Corporate Governance Policy through announcements, regulations and related policies.
Anti-Corruption Guidelines
- The Company defines anti-corruption policy and anti-corruption measures as part of its business operations and is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Executives, Supervisors To ensure that anti-corruption practices are appropriately implemented in accordance with the established policies, as well as to review policies and practices to comply with changes in business. regulations and related laws
- The company requires its personnel to act with caution against the following forms of corruption:
- Giving and Receiving Bribe
- Receiving gifts or other benefits
- Entertainment/Reception fee
- Supporting travel expenses and other expenses to government officials
- Political Contribution
- Receipt of Donation, Charity, Donation for Public Interest and Sponsorship
- Payment of facilities
- Hiring Government Employees/Government Officials (Revolving Door)
- Conflict of Interest
- The Company strives to create and maintain its organizational culture on zero-tolerance on corruption, either it conducts with public or private sectors.
- Directors, executives and employees in every level should not neglect if they find any act involving corruption with the Company. They must report to their supervisors or responsible person and co-operate in the verification process as stipulated in the Whistleblower Policy or regulations of the Company. Moreover, compliant channels for outsiders are arranged.
- The Company fairly treats and protects employees who refuse to be involved in corruption or inform the Company about corruption. The Company will not demote, penalize or give negative impact to employees who refuse to be involved in corruption although they make the Company lose business opportunity.
- Directors and executives in every level of the Company must show their honesty and be good role models in following the Anti-Corruption Policy.
- The Anti-Corruption Policy covers in the human resource management process ranging from recruiting, promotion, training to evaluation. Supervisors in every level have to communicate with employees so they apply the policy in business activities under their responsibilities. Also, supervisors must monitor effective compliance with the policy.
- All actions in the Anti-Corruption Policy are in line with those stipulated in the Company’s Good Corporate Governance Policy, guidelines for business conduct, relevant regulations, work manual as well as other guidelines which the Company may define later.
- The Company discloses the Anti-Corruption Policy, which is under Thailand’s anti-corruption law, via both internal and external media, for instance, notifications, website and annual report.
- In case of doubts that may have legal implications, seek legal advice. For further inquiries, please consult with the Compliance Authority.
If you have any questions about this guidelines, please contact