The Company has set the Whistleblowing Policy to be a tool for receiving complaints from both employees and third party on suspected corrupt conducts or violations of laws, rules, regulations, Articles of Association, guidelines or the Company's Code of Business Ethics and to protect and provide fair treatment to whistleblowers as follows:
Whistleblowing Channels
The Board of Directors sets agencies to receive whistleblowing matters or complaints in this policy. Whistleblowers must provide details of complaints along with their names, addresses and contact telephone numbers via the channels below.
Head of
Internal Audit Department
Head of Internal Audit Department
Central Retail Corporation PCL
Lumpini Sub-district, Pathumwan District
Bangkok 10330
In case of complaining towards
the Chief Executive Officer
The Chairman of the Audit Committee
The Chairman of the Audit Committee
Central Retail Corporation PCL
Lumpini Sub-district, Pathumwan District
Bangkok 10330
Complaints will be kept strictly confidential. Whistleblowers can file complaints via several channels and are not obligatory to reveal themselves. In case they opt to disclose themselves, the Company can notify the result of investigation and more details on the concerned issues.
Scope of Whistleblowing
- Any act involving corruption of the Company, either direct or indirect, for instance, the offering/receiving bribe to/from the government officials or private agencies by the Company's personnel
- Any act which is not in line with the process as stipulated in the Company's rules or has impact on the Company's internal control system and may lead to corruption
- Any act which may make the Company lose its benefit or affect its reputation
- Any act which is illegal, unethical or against the Company's guidelines or Principles of Business Ethics

Protective Measures for Whistleblowers
- Whistleblowers may opt not to disclose themselves if they view they may be impacted from disclosure. Yet, they must provide sufficient details and evidence showing of corrupt conducts or violations of laws, rules, regulations, Articles of Association, guidelines or the Company's Code of Business Ethics. However, by disclosing themselves, the process will run more rapidly.
- The Company will keep reported information confidential. By considering on the safety and damage to reporters or relevant persons, the responsible persons in every procedure have to maintain the information they receive with highest secrecy and must not reveal such information to others. Violations will be regarded as disciplinary offences.
- The Company will not demote, penalize or adverse impact the complainants or employees, who refuse corrupt conducts, although their acts may cause the Company to lose business opportunity.
- The Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer or designated person may consider measures to protect whistleblowers, as deems appropriate, if they opine that such issues have tendency to create damage or insecurity to whistleblowers.
- Employees, who commit unfair and improper treatments or cause damage to persons filing complaints, providing information on suspected corrupt conducts or violations of laws, rules, regulations, Articles of Association, guidelines or the Company's Code of Business Ethics, as well as prosecuting, witnessing or giving statement or cooperation to the court or government agency, will be disciplinary punished and may be legally punished if it is against the law.
- Persons who get damage will be compensated properly and fairly.