Date of Appointment as a Director :
- 6 September 2019 - Present
Shareholdings (Ordinary Shares) (as at 2 February 2024):
- Held personally : 0.8826%
- Held by spouse or minor children : -None-
Family Relationship among Directors and Executives
- Nephew of (1) Mr. Suthikiati Chirathivat (2) Mr. Sudhitham Chirathivat (3) Prof.Dr. Suthiphand Chirathivat and (4) Mr. Suthilaksh Chirathivat
- Cousin of (1) Mrs. Yuwadee Chirathivat (2) Mr. Prin Chirathivat and (3) Mr. Tos Chirathivat
- Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Pitzer College, USA
Training Programs
- Director Accreditation Program (DAP) 169/2020
- Hot Issue for Directors: Climate Governance 2/2023
- Strategic Planning & Management in Retailing, Intercontinental Group of Department Stores (IGDS)
- Diploma, The National Defense Course Class 53, National Defense College
- Executive Program Class 22, Capital Market Academy
- Executive Management with Business Development and Investment Class 5, Institute of Business and Industrial Development
- Advanced Security Management Program (ASMP) Class 4, National Defense College
- Senior Executive Development Training Program, Royal Thai Police
- ISP, Institute of Security Psychology
- Global and Thailand economic outlook 2023 by speakers from Bangkok Bank
- GRC and Risk Management by speakers from KPMG
- Vietnam economic outlook by speakers from Bangkok Bank Vietnam branch
Board Member/Management in Other Listed Company
2012 - Present | Director, Malee Group Public Company Limited |
Position in Other Company/Organization/Institution
- Honorary Advisor, IREDF (Founded by V.Vajiramedhi)
- Advisor, The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Advisor, Strategic Committee (Digital Economy) - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Advisor, Young Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce (YEC) Committee - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Chairman, Energy Committee - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Vice Chairman, Sufficiency Economy and Reduce Inequality - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Director, Retail & Services Committee - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Director, BCG & ESG Committee - The Thai Chamber of Commerce
- Director, The Federation of THAI Industries (FTI)
- Vice Chairman, Climate Change Institute Committee - The Federation of THAI Industries (FTI)
- Director, The Institute of Industrial Energy - The Federation of THAI Industries (FTI)
- Vice President, THAI Renewable Energy (RE100) Association
2003 - 2016 | Chief Executive Officer, Central Trading Company Limited |
GICS Industry Experience : Retailing
1995 - 2016 | Vice President, Procurement at Central Department Store Co., Ltd. |