Central Love the Earth: Beat Plastic Pollution
The usage of single-use plastic packaging generates the most plastic trash in the supply chain. As a result, Central Retail Corporation (CRC) is committed to “Journey to Zero” waste which determines to eliminate all solid waste sent to landfill including all packaging and plastics. Therefore, CRC have invested in programs to increase reuseable packaging from Bring Your Own Bag and Say No to Plastic Bags campaign, phase out single-use plastics, and ensure such campaigns are carried out properly to constantly solve plastic challenges.
Plastic Reduction Program to increase Reusable Packaging
Packaging waste has been one of CRC main type of wastes that are being generated at retail stores and supermarkets due to the nature of retailing that requires distributing large volume of products and services to customers. To reduce the packaging waste generation, CRC has introduced programs to increase the use of reusable and returnable packaging solution that apply to regular practice of all business units, and provide reward incentives to customers to bring their own reusable packaging. Packaging waste data from the program has been continuously collected and assessed.
In 2022, all business groups under CRC have implemented “Bring You Own Bag” and “Say No To Plastic Bags” programs to increase reusable and returnable packaging. Alternative shopping bags that have higher durability than single-use plastic bags were introduced to all stores. Customers are then encouraged to reuse these shopping bags for their next time shopping.
CRC offers customers who bring their own reusable shopping bags with additional point rewards in The1 membership. For customers who did not bring their own shopping bags, the reusable shopping bag was available for purchase. Customers that have spending up to the set amount are also gifted with free reusable shopping bags. Overall, this program helps increase the number of reusable shopping bags and reinforce sustainable behavior. This program has encouraged to reduce 14,122,620 plastic bags.
“No Plastic Bag Day” to Phase Out Single-Use Plastic Packaging

Beginning from small steps, just separate the waste in an accurate method leads amount of waste to become recyclable. Throughout the business value chain, single-use plastic packaging is being generated the most at the consumption stage such as when checking-out shopping carts at the cashier in stores and supermarket. In Thailand, the government has announced a ban on single-use plastic bags at major stores, so CRC no longer gives out single-use plastic shopping bags.
However, in Central Retail Vietnam develops programs to phase out single-use plastic packaging focusing on raising awareness of consumers. In 2022, Tops Market Vietnam as a subsidiary under CRC’s Food business category has implemented the No Plastic Bag Day program to raise customer’s awareness on environmental problems caused by single-use plastics and to change shopping habit to become more environmentally friendly. This done by encouraging customers to bring their own shopping bags via in-store banners and social media. Tops Market Vietnam also sell reusable shopping bags to customers, and give out complementary reusable shopping bags to customers that make purchases up to a certain amount. For bulky items, Tops Market Vietnam provide cardboard boxes that had already been used for free to customers. Not only does this program help phases out single-use plastic packaging, but it helps CRC prepares our customers shopping habit for the upcoming plastic ban in Vietnam.

1.Tops Market Thao Dien on 31 Aug 2022
CRV Internal News Communication
2.Tops Market An Phu, on 14 Sep 2022 (cont.)