Creating careers and enhancing the maximum potential of people with disabilities to help reduce inequality in society

From the current social situation we are living in, it can be seen that the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected various vulnerable groups with unemployment levels expanding. Because of this, Central Retail Corporation has realized and recognized the importance of reducing the gap in this area as much as possible and creating more equality for vulnerable groups without discrimination as to age, gender, race, religion, skin color, language, ethnicity, and any disability or limitation of one’s body.

The Company has shown an outstanding performance in the employment of disabled people in accordance with the requirements of the nation’s employment law with a total of 430 people, which we have fully cooperated with the government, the private sector and local municipalities. And in order to help push for groups with disabilities to have equal roles and duties as general employees, many projects have been implemented in order to create jobs and enhance the potential of people with disabilities that overall reduces inequality within society.

In 2021, Central Retail Corporation established 14 projects in order to assist employing people with disabilities covering 12 provinces and a total of 128 people. Furthermore, concession areas for selling lotteries for 56 people were given across different provinces and the Company also received the ‘Outstanding Organization for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities Award’ two consecutive years. In addition, the Company has also given great importance to gender equality - realizing that the ability to work is not limited to sex, and supporting equal opportunities for women to advance their careers is crucial.
Central Retail Corporation has also established a contact center in Chonburi Province through the cooperation of Power Buy, Thai Watsadu and the Redeemer Foundation for the Development of Persons with Disabilities. There are more than 40 full-time employees with disabilities providing service for customers with inquiries, together with providing after sales service and maintenance. This project has allowed people with disabilities to show their full potential, knowledge, abilities, and create a career that can support themselves and their families.

As a result of the implementation of these various projects highlighted, sustainable careers and equality has been catered to vulnerable groups and for them to have self-worth. The Company believes that human resources is the key to driving business towards sustainability and creating shared values between organizations and employees will help strengthen business competitiveness, as well as to generate effective returns to shareholders.

The Company aims to act as a exemplary role model for the society (Good Corporate Citizen) by complying with laws, regulations and good ethics. In its business operations, the Company has clearly defined a corporate social responsibility policy framework that is committed to creating a positive impact by adhering to the concept of creating shared values create benefits to society and focusing on operations that will help develop employees' knowledge skills and fair treatment toward employees.
Respect each other's human rights. Create a safe atmosphere and work place for all groups of people in society (universal design) together with attracting others with working factors and providing appropriate welfare.
This all contributes to creating sustainable happiness within the organization. In addition, producing satisfaction and good experiences for customers in terms of quality standards, product safety and distributing products that enhances customer's physical health is one of the main missions of the Company.