Corporate Governance Policy

During the course of business, the Board of Directors has complied with the laws, regulations, objectives, article of association and the shareholders’ meeting resolution. We comply to the principles of Good Corporate Governance of Listed Companies issued by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies 2017 issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and has applied the Code as a guideline for our operations efficiency and transparency to investors, and to create confidence in the company's business operations to outsiders.

Corporate Governance Policy
Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct Handbook

Policies and Guidelines

Business Ethics
Investor Relations Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Anti-Corruption Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Compliance Policy
Policy to Prevent Misuse of Insider Information
Preventing Conflict of Interest Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Environmental Policy
Tax policy
Divided Payment Policies of the Company and the Subsidiaries
Communication and Information Disclosure Policy
Succession Policy
Personnel Development Policy
Announcement of Code of Conduct and Ethical Consideration in Annual Performance Evaluation and Promotion / Appointment
Workplace Regulation
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Information Security and Technology Management
Selection and Nomination Criteria of Directors
Risk Management Policy
Related Party Transaction Policy
Policy on Acquisition or Lease of Land for Business Operation from Connected Person
Scope of Duties and Responsibility of the Representative Directors and Executives of the Subsidiaries and/or Associates Operating the Core Business
Policy on Investment and Supervision and Governance of Subsidiaries and Associates
Chief Executive Officer's Authorities, Duties and Responsibilities
Rules and Procedures on Meeting through Electronic Media
Human Rights Policy
Regulation on Human Rights for Labor
Information Security Mission Statement and Policy
Occupational Safety, Health and Work Environment Policy
Sustainable Procurement Policy